If you live in an apartment, the idea of barbequing may be hard... not everyone has the luxury of boundless green gardens. Owners of balconies, roof terraces and small gardens rejoice, The Balcony BBQ has landed! Although it's raining today, you'll still have the chance to enjoy a couple of bbqs.
With an array of straight-forward fixing options you can mount this tasteful piece of alfresco grill-ware onto just about any balcony or railing. It can even be attached to a wall, freeing up oodles of space for your outdoor furniture and hungry party guests. It's portable too so the fun needn't just be confined to your terrace either, why not unhook it and take it with you for a picnic in the park – kiss those flimsy foil non-starters goodbye.
Unlike most barbecues which get slung in a cupboard to gather cobwebs at the first sign of Autumn, the Balcony BBQ can function as a rather handsome plant container for the remaining 3/4 of the year - just don't forget it's there when the warm weather returns!

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