October 04, 2020

How A Healthcare Industry May Change in The Nearest 5 Years?

The entire healthcare industry is put to test right now. The COVID-19 pandemic affected all countries on Earth, and even though some of the first steps to fight it were efficient, now we experience the second wave. This is not the first pandemic in the history of the world, nor the last, but it changes the world as we know it. 

Now, more and more people are aware of the impact their habits have on their health state. A simple example would be people who are smokers and on which this pandemic can have a more severe effect. And this is valid not only in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic but also in other domains too. Another example would be of the people who eat a lot of junk food regularly, while there are a lot of healthy and delicious alternatives

So, the evolution of the healthcare industry will likely depend on the evolution of technology and also on the behavior of people. As more and more people get accustomed to technology, especially in the case of elders, the healthcare industry will try to incorporate the technological evolution in their processes. Health expert writers from the best writing services say that in the nearest 5 years, we will experience some big changes in the healthcare industry. 

So, let’s discover together how this might happen! 

  1. Telemedicine 

According to essay writing service reviews on healthcare studies, most healthcare experts expected this would happen over 25 years from now. But no one knew that 2020 will be the year when the entire world will try to face a deadly pandemic. The healthcare industry has already started to incorporate telemedicine in its practices.  

Governments and virus experts from all over the world recommend people to stay inside and limit their physical contact with others. This Coronavirus spreads very quickly and it can have severe effects on people who are already at risk, so protection is mandatory.  

But what happens in this case with people that have other health issues and cannot go to the doctor and investigate their problem? Online consultations are on the rise and the healthcare industry is already trying to face the nowadays challenges. So, in the next five years, this domain of the healthcare industry will develop even further. The technology will advance so much that there will be new software and devices that will allow doctors to consult their patients remotely. And the accuracy will certainly improve. 

  1. Health Sensors 

The healthcare industry will develop along with technology because it relies heavily on it. The basic processes will be eased and will be more accessible, both to patients and the medical personnel. We already have smartwatches that measure our pulse, analyze our sleeping patterns and even the stress level we feel.  

At the moment, this data is used only by clients, meaning the people who actually wear those devices. In the next five years, new devices will likely be invented solely for the purpose of making the consultation process more accurate. Also, these devices will monitor the health and we can think about wearable clothes or other smart devices.

Many people who think about the progress of the healthcare industry are drawn back by the evolution of technology. But these devices would be non-intrusive, meaning that the life of whoever is wearing them will not be affected. But they indeed will give a more accurate picture of the disease and the symptoms someone has, says the best essay on health devices by the best paper writing services

  1. Healthcare Internet of Things 

The Internet of Things is already well developed and the next five years will show how it is incorporated into the healthcare industry. IoT describes the network of physical things that communicate with each other through the internet. These devices have sensors, software, or other developed technologies that ease the communication between them. 

So, it is just a matter of time until the Internet of Things becomes an important part of the healthcare industry. It would be much easier to have it incorporated in healthcare devices so that the medical personnel could have access to data instantly.

Even though some people might feel like they are being watched, this is beneficial for patients that are in severe conditions. If a doctor is monitoring their health, they can easily intervene when something is not working as it should. For example, the intervention in the case of patients who have heart attacks would be more rapid, according to assignment help.  

  1. Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis and Monitoring

The diagnose process might seem like a burden, especially in those cases when the cause of the disease or symptoms is not found easily. As AI develops, it will intertwine with the healthcare industry too. And it would turn out to be of huge help, especially in critical cases. 

Artificial Intelligence is already a small part of the healthcare industry but it is likely to grow in the next few years. Now it is used for deep learning in detecting cancer, and studies have shown that its accuracy is as high as the one of a breast radiologist.

So, in the next few years, we will likely witness an accelerated growth of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare industry. And this will be very helpful for many people, helping doctors detect early diseases and treat them in an incipient case.  


The healthcare industry is one of the most affected ones during these times, and this is because of the Coronavirus pandemic. However, this pandemic showed that some things can be done easier, so in the next five years we will witness a transformation of the healthcare industry and the processes involved. Artificial Intelligence will be used for diagnosis and monitoring.

There will be new devices that will monitor the health state of patients in a non-intrusive way and will be linked through the internet of things. And telemedicine will be the standard. 

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