April 07, 2014

Bachir Ice Cream's New and Modern Packaging...

Exciting times, summer is here and with it comes time for yummy ice cream. We were invited to my mother's house for lunch when my sister walked in carrying a uniquely transparent plastic box full of colorful balls.  I was surprised to see that it was from Bachir - Lebanese ice cream brand that has been around for over 75 years...

bachir ice cream

The new packaging is fresh and modern. Choose the flavors you want and each ball is placed neatly in its designated space that fits 18 scoops. When we opened the box we saw a neat set of colorful ice cream - chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, blueberry... to name a few... The presentation is fresh, unique and appealing...

bachir ice cream

I had to share this with NGNO readers as I truly am proud of some of our Lebanese companies who have been around for generations and work on always innovating themselves... Bravo...and Bachir ice cream is a great example.

bachir ice cream

It's a nice box to take with you when invited for lunch or BBQ and more... of course they come with Bachir biscuit cones that we all know and love... at an affordable price.





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